Therapy & Counseling Services Provided
Individual and Marital/Couples Therapy
Do you struggle with depression, emotional distress, anxiety, negative self esteem, mood swings, an abuse or trauma history, work, personal, marital, relationship or other problems?
If you are struggling and want to change, heal or improve any part of your life, schedule an appointment today. I work with adult clients who have the following issues:
Depression Borderline Personality Disorder
Anxiety Co-Dependency
Marital & Couples Issues Panic Attacks/ Panic Disorder Infidelity/Affairs Grief/Loss
Eating Disorders Complex PTSD
Personality Disorders Stress Management
Life Transitions/Adjustments Anger /Emotional Regulation Issues
Trauma -PTSD & Acute Stress Divorce/Separation
Past or Present Abuse PTSD
Mood Disorders Bipolar Disorder
Domestic Violence Self-Esteem & Identity Issues
Emotional Distress OCD-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Communication/Conflict Relationship Issues
Therapy is helpful for most people with most issues. *Providence Psychotherapy does not assess, make determinations or provide opinions of ability or disability to work, child custody, legal issues of divorce, mental competency, mental status, or about any other legal issues.